EOS Permanent Magnet AC Electric Motor Development Project.

13. November 2016|

EOS Permanent Magnet Alternating Current (PMAC) Electric Motor Development Project is submitted to the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology.

As a result of the internal R&D project “Technological Strategy Development and Feasibility Analysis for the […]

EOS Electric Vehicle Project.

13. November 2016|

EOS Electric Vehicle Project is submitted to the Ministry of Industry and Technology.

As a result of the internal R&D project „Technological Strategy Development and Feasibility Analysis for the Development of a Polymer Exchange Membrane Fuel […]

EOS Attended The Select USA Investment Summit.

13. November 2016|

EOS attended the Select USA Investment Summit in Washington D.C.
Based on the invitation from the U.S. Embassy Berlin Commercial Services, EOS Directors Assist. Prof. Dr. H. Ufuk GÖKÇE and Assist. Prof. Dr.-Ing. K. Umut […]

EOS Attended The Welcome to Business Forum in Sweden.

13. November 2016|

EOS attended the Welcome to Business Forum in Gislaved/Sweden with the Hannoverimpuls business delegation. Assist. Prof. Dr. Gökçe presented state-of-the-art EOS technologies in the special section of the forum. Also, latest EOS prototypes are demonstrated […]

EOS Attended The Hannover Industry Fair.

13. November 2016|

vom 13.-17. April findet in Hannover die weltweit wichtigste Industriemesse statt. Schwerpunkte sind dieses Jahr: Industrieautomation und IT, Antriebs- und Fluidtechnik, Energie- und Umwelttechnologien, Industrielle Zulieferung, Produktionstechnologien und Dienstleistungen sowie Forschung und Entwicklung.

In Halle 16, […]

A New R&D Project “Intelligentes Gebäudeenergie Management System” is Granted in December 2014.

13. April 2015|

Budget: 374.833 Euros

Duration: 2014-2016

Funding Agency:

Die NBank.
Niedersächsische Ministerium für Umwelt, Energie und Klimaschutz.
Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr.